Smart Passive Income Pro WordPress
Smart Passive Income Pro WordPress Theme from StudioPress.
Smart Passive Income Pro theme is a Genesis Framework theme created based off famous blogger Pat Flynn’s old theme version.
It’s a feature-packed Business Theme theme with attention to details. This theme will definitely help you to be a successful blogger. The homepage in the top header to the right of the logo is a widget to display a call-to-action box in or use for a banner ad. Under this is the navigation bar in which you can give a very short description under the menu names that you create. View the demo to see what I am talking about here. Right under this navigation bar is another navigational bar to display important categories or additional pages.
The Smart Passive Income Pro Theme includes the following functionality:
- accessibility ready
- custom header
- HTML5 markup
- landing page
- mobile responsive
- theme customizer
- theme options
- translation ready
Smart Passive Income Pro WordPress can be found with these tags:
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This is certainly NOT a paid type of review. And kindly note that the pages you visit may contain external affiliate links that may result in us getting a small commission (without any extra penny from your pocket) if you decide to buy the mentioned product.